Natrona County Prevention Coalition
September 4, 2018 Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Place: Oil and Gas Building
Approve Minutes from June: Bill Howell 1st, Susan Buettgenback 2nd, all in favor
New Business
Ø Casper-Natrona County Health Department: Hiring for prevention staff. Funding will go to CNCHD and will partner with Mercer FRC/NCPC to work on strategies. CPSG subcommittee will work closely with CNCHD.
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
Ø Family and Parenting
o Family Day: 1,200 attended Family Day! 2019 Family Day will be “Living Substance Free is Out of this World” themed.
o Family Game Night: February 8 @ Nicolaysen Art Museum. Game Drive will begin Black Friday.
o Community Baby Shower: April 13
o #WYAmplify: YEC joined 65 youth from around the state in Newcastle where they learned about distracted driving, drugs, trends from WYSAC, fishing, art, and music. The hope is to begin #WYAMPLIFY statewide.
o YEC went to Salt Lake to volunteer at Ronald McDonald House and have some down time.
o YEC will help with 15th Annual Breaking the Silence Walk (Natrona County Suicide Prevention Task Force) on Sept. 15.
Ø Afterschool Providers
o Science Zone Idea Lab and VIBES Tribe have begun CCLC 12 centers! Info will be given/emailed as it becomes available.
o Boy & Girls Club: CCLC 10-Summer-financial literacy, carnival with Bank representatives, over 600 kids participated. Healthy Me expo (community event) coming soon.
o Science Zone: CCLC 10-Middle school program-open to all middle-school students (Private school, home school, and NCSD). CCLC 12-Hired a coordinator! High school students will work on volunteering/workforce skills.
o YMCA: CCLC 10-not present
o VIBES: CCLC 12-not present
Ø Community Prevention Strategies Group
§ 4th Wednesday from 2-3pm at Mercer FRC
§ CNCHD will partner with WMC to do community needs assessment. CPSG will be a subcommittee of this larger county assessment and will utilize the findings to do NCPC strategic plan in November. The group would like to highlight all the great community events hosted by NCPC member agencies-please get your event info to Whitney.
Introductions &Announcements: Present: Whitney Lamb-NCPC Chair, Rebecca Albertson-DOC Probation/Parole, Cori Cosner-Burton-Mercer FRC, Keri Owen-NCPC/Mercer FRC, Nicole Wilson-Parents as Teachers, Erin Ford, CWCC, Bill Howell-CWCC, Pam Mann-YCC, Amanda Whisler-YCC, Lisa Brown-Mercer FRC, Felicia Cummings-Mercer FRC/YEC/NCSPTF, Sam-Boys and Girls Club, Chris Mahoney-WBI, Alissa Thyfault-Mercer/NCPC, Stacey Walworth-PAT, Sheena Hixson-Mercer, Christi Parish-WCCA, Molly Wartenber-Climb WY, Amanda Montes-BGCCW, John Becker-NC Sheriff’s Office, Debbie Taylor-MADD, Dave B-BBBS, Amanda Lewellen-BBBS, Greta Hinderliter-NCSD, Leah Ritz-Science Zone, Susan Buettgenback-PAT, Jean Davies-WMP/CPT, Andrea D’onofrio-Safe Kids, Ruthie Cam-PAT, Mary Parkinson-PAT, Heather Ross-Health Dept.
Announcements: Parents as Teacher-35 families at Roll and Read. Parent feedback was great. Will be last Saturday of June next year. Welcome Mary (Bilingual PE)! Almost full on caseloads but keep referring! Staff are ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Natrona PAT now serving Fremont County as well. NCSD#1- 20th year of homeless student program! 50 kids so far and counting. New rescue mission is almost complete and will help. BGCCW- Healthy Me flyers passed out. Laramie trip to see UW, ice cream social on Sept 15 for middle schoolers. Sherriff’s Office- Holiday DUI campaign kickoff on Thanksgiving. CWCC- Wraparound for 6-18 year olds-home based visits, school based visits. New CEO-Kevin. Outpatient substance abuse team revamping programming. Case management is “beefing up” with knowledge of community resources. Safe Kids- Sept 29 at White’s Mountain 10-12 car seat check. October 10-Walk to School Day (Pedestrian and driver safety). Mercer FRC- Youth Mental Health First Aid coming soon—1 opportunity to join the class at no charge! Dancing with the Stars of Casper-October 27-tickets on sale now! New couples’ class-Elevate. $5.00 off any Mercer class coupons available. NCSD/Mercer calendar magnets available. Cowboy ChallNGe Academy- Classes are in process of becoming accredited. New programming and new faces! WBI- New geriatric psychiatrist hired. Flyers passed out. New principal for the residential school program. Natrona County Suicide Prevention Task Force- Breaking the Silence Walk-Sept 15 at 4 at Crossroads park—music, food, all free! New t-shirts available for $5.00 and with an extra $5.00, participants can tie-dye them at the event. No conference this year, however, a national speaker will be speaking in a variety of venues including professional and student venues (Tina Meyer with Megan Meyer Foundation) about cyber bullying and suicide-November 5-6. Science Zone- Toys: The Inside Story opening Sept 15 for Open House. October 27-Trick or Treat Trail-get a booth signed up today (3,000 participants!) Climb Wyoming- New CAN program-no GED required. BBBS- Family Fun Night community event was well attended and successful. Will be hosting 2 family engagement activities each month for Bigs, Littles, and families. Recruiting Bigs and littles.
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday, October 25th, 10am @ Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, October 24th, 3pm @ Mercer FRC
Next NCPC Meeting
October 2nd 2018 – 1PM-2PM