Natrona County Prevention Coalition
November 6th, 2018 Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Place: Oil and Gas Building
Approve Minutes from September: Debbie Taylor motioned approval, Susan Buettgenback 2nd None opposed.
New Business
Ø Welcome Hailey Rodgers, Community Prevention Program Manager, CNCHD!
Ø Presentation: Strategic Planning- Hailey Rodgers
Ø Data Request: Please submit any data related to Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and overall community health that you think may be helpful to our Strategic Planning.
Ø Meeting space update: It was confirmed that NCPC will be able to meet at the Oil and Gas building.
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
Ø Family and Parenting:
***Seeking sponsorships for upcoming events***
o Family Game Night: Competitive Game Drive will kick off on Black Friday, November 23rd. In-kind donations of new, unopened board games, or monetary donations which will go towards the purchase of board games and food for the event can be dropped off with Lisa Brown at Mercer FRC. The 4th annual Family Game Night event will be February 1st at the Nicolaysen Art Museum. This year’s theme is Candyland.
o Community Baby Shower: April 13, 2019 at the Boys and Girls Club. Donation drive fliers for this will be sent out on February 5th. Last year 400 people were served.
o Family Day: 2019 Family Day will be “Living Substance Free is Out of this World” themed. Over 1200 people were served last year.
o #WYamplify is planning monthly pro-social events. YEC is forming a planning committee for these events. YEC is also planning a Zombie Ball at David Street Station in the Summer of 2019. YEC still meets every Thursday.
o SPAT/BAT hosted a parent discussion about Cyberbullying and Suicide risks on November 5th with Tina Meier, the creator of the Megan Meier Foundation. Youth presentations will be held November 6th and 7th throughout the school district, as well as YCC and JDC. A youth directed coffee conversation with Tina Meier is scheduled for November 6th from 4:30-6:30pm at Crescent Moon Café.
Ø 21st Century Community Learning Centers
All fall evaluations have been completed with the centers, and the next phase is to focus on family engagement and continuous improvement plans. NCPC board was invited to join in with the spring evaluation process of CCLC funded programs. A brief training is required to use the NOIST evaluation tool. Anyone interested in helping out can contact Sheena or Alissa
o Boy & Girls Club: Halloween Pumpkin Carving Night family engagement event was a success. A new youth development professor has been hired from Fort Casper and is in th training process.
o Science Zone: (Not present, updated via Alissa) CCLC 10- Approximately a dozen middle school students participated in the Trick or Treat Trail event as “scare-actors” in the haunted house and hosted a booth to share information about the Design Team program. CCLC 12-High school participants have stepped up t help plan and deliver activities during monthly family days. The next event, Whizz, Bang Chemistry, will take place Saturday November 10th, where they will learn about chromatography, chemical reactions, and states of matter. Cohort 12 participants will be able to explain these concepts to kids and families. They will then focus on getting ready for the holiday event on December 1st.
o YMCA: CCLC 10-not present
o VIBES: CCLC 12- Youth are learning how to play rock music on drums, marimbas, and guitars. “Kids who have never even played an instrument before are learning how to rock out with each other and play rock songs together.” There are still openings for youth to join and recruitment efforts are underway.
Ø Community Prevention Strategies Group
§ 4th Wednesday from 2-3pm at Mercer FRC
§ CPSG will be reviewing data and preparing logic models, focusing on alcohol, tobacco and drug use. Models should be completed by December. The Health Department is gathering data for fact sheets. If anyone has any data gathered that they can share, they are asked to send it to Hailey or Kyle at CNCHD. Pete with WyDOT shared data that he compiled about crash related fatalities.
Ø NCPC Tasks
Ø Calendar information for substance-free, family friendly events can be updated on the NCPC website at, and on the NC Family Friendly 411 facebook page. Any questions can be relayed to Lisa Brown at or Sheena Hixson at
Introductions &Announcements:
Present: Whitney Lamb (Mercer/NCPC Chair), Nicole Wilson (PAT), Amanda Montes (BGCCW), Dave Branson (BBBS), Pete Abrams (WYDOT), Susan (PAT), Sheena Hixson (Mercer/21CCLC), Alissa Thyfault (Mercer/21CCLC), Justine Materi (Mercer/CHINS), Lisa Brown (Mercer/F&P), Debbie Taylor (MADD), Kristi Parrish (WCCA), Erin Ford (CWCC), Chris Mahoney (WBI), Chelsea DePalo-Lara (ALC/GED@CC), Paul Fritzler (DFS), Rebecca Albertson (DOC/Workforce Services), Charles Crampher (sp?) (YCC intern), Amanda Whistler (YCC), Kyle Gammroth (CNCHD), & Hailey Rodgers (CNCHD).
PAT- Enrolling families, bilingual or not. No new updates.
BGCCW- Day of the Dead celebration was a success. Flier passed out: Novemeber 9th Family Safety Night: Drive Change 6:30-8:30pm. This will be an interactive and informational traffic safety demonstration regarding distracted/texting and driving, pedestrian safety, seat belts, and more.
BBBS- Haunted House was a hit. Progressive Youth is participating in monthly activities. BBBS needs Big volunteers and is accepting referrals for Littles. Recruitment posters were passed out. BBBS is still accepting applications for a Progressive Youth Specialist.
WYDOT/Safe Kids/Sherriff’s Dept.- Seeking candy donations for holiday parade float. John will be on the radio 7:30-8:30am on Nov. 13th to kick off the holiday campaign. The official holiday campaign kick off will be Nov. 16th at 11am at WMC. Also, Lyft and SafeRide are looking to partner up for a pilot study to offer a coupon/discount code to impact drunk driving stats. They have reached out to Uber, but Uber Corporate has not been responsive. Lyft often supports “Free Ride” events in big cities and is more receptive to the partnership with SafeRide. There will be 6 traffic safety events planned over the next year, and seatbelt observation surveys will take place in the next few months. Pete also brought data sheets regarding traffic fatalities in Wyoming.
Mercer- Dancing with the Stars raised roughly over $160k! Welcome the new CHINS specialist, Justine Materi! Lisa is offering gift cards for classes, and in the months of November/December Mercer is offering $10 off a class when purchasing class gift certificate.
MADD- No updates to share
WCCA- Accreditation review to take place this month. The next orientation will be November 16th, next classes begin January 13th 2019.
CWCC- Open access hours have changed. They are now M/W/F 9-11am, and T/TH 2-4pm.
WBI- Hosting QPR training on December 7th for anyone who hasn’t had it yet.
ALC/GED center- Annual fundraiser with auction baskets takes place December 6th 11am-6pm. Next orientation will take place Tues Dec 18th at 9am, 1pm, or 6pm. **Participants do not need a social security #. ALC/GED does not report citizenship status and they have bilingual assistants to help clients if needed. ALC/GED center was awarded scholarships for anyone who graduates from the center, they can get 3 free credits for a freshman seminar class, as well as $1000/year competitive scholarship.
DFS- Accepting applications for an LCSW. DFS is promoting the movie “Instant Family” coming out on Nov. 16th
DOC- Client numbers have remained steady, which is abnormal for this time of year. This could be due to a high volume of addictions cases lately. Something for CPSG to look into with community prioritization tool?
YCC- Welcome new intern, Charles C.
CNCHD- Director of the Health Department is moving to Colorado, so they are in the process of hiring a new director. Hailey will email her Strategic Planning presentation PowerPoint to Whitney to pass on to NCPC members.
MERCER- Anger management enrollment down. Classes are open to any teen in need of coping skills for their anger. No referral needed.
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday, November 16th, 9am @ Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, December 20th, 3pm @ Mercer FRC
Next NCPC Meeting
Presentation: Drug Endangered Children presented by DFS
December 4th, 2018 – 1PM-2PM