Natrona County Prevention Coalition
January 8th, 2019 Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Place: CNCHD- 475 S. Spruce
Approve Minutes from December 2018: Brittlynn Bulgrin motioned approval, Greta Hinderliter 2nd None opposed.
New Business
Ø Welcome Everyone to the first NCPC meeting of 2019!
o Follow up from Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Presentation:
o There will be a series of more in depth trainings happening in Natrona County- the first one is Jan 9th.
o DEC will be forming an advisory council set to meet for the first time in February/March
o Contact Jean Davies for more information.
o 2019 Legislative session begins!
Bills that impact prevention effort include:
o SF0051-Tobacco Tax Equivalence (across all counties and reservations)
o SF0046-Opioid Prescription Limits (prescription limits to 14-day supply for acute pain relief)
o SF0007-Alternate Penalties & Pretrial Release for Alcohol Crimes
There may be a Tobacco Tax increase being introduced in the House, but this has not been confirmed.
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
o Family and Parenting:
o Family Game Night: Lisa handed out a flier for the 4th annual Family Game Night: A Candy Land Adventure, which has been rescheduled for February 8st 2019 at the Nicolaysen Art Museum. Thanks to the sponsors listed on the flier, families will be able to create their own board game at the event, and take home a new, unopened board game when they leave. YEC will be Community Baby Shower: April 13, 2019 at the Boys & Girls Club. Sponsorship fliers and agency sing ups for the “baby essentials drive” will be distributed soon after Family Game Night. YEC plans to do a diaper and wipes drive.
o Family Day: 2019 Family Day will take place July 9th. This year’s theme will be “Living Substance Free is Out of this World” (space themed).
o The Natrona County Family Friendly 411 facebook page
This is a page for sharing family-friendly substance-free events to be shared publicly. Please like it, follow it, and post any events.
o YEC: Brittlynn updated:
o Game Drive: YEC is hosting a Game Drive for Family Game night. They are seeking games for all ages, but are short of games for the 0-3 year age range and the 12+ age range.
o #WYAMPLIFY plans to take 30 youth bowling on January 24th. Youth must RSVP by January 21st to attend. #WYAMPLIFY is also planning a Zombie Ball for June 27th. Stay tuned for details.
o 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Centers are currently comparing their assessment scores to their action
plans and gauging their progress towards their goals. They are adjusting their action plans accordingly.
o Boy & Girls Club: Journey just concluded their Fire Safety unit, discussing the fire dangers of overloaded outlets
and Christmas Trees. CCLC students also decorated Christmas Cards to deliver to Shepherd of the Valley
Nursing Home. They have also been working on a lot of team building exercises.
o Science Zone: Design Team: Still working their curriculum and “plugging right along.”
Idea Lab: Studying Geography and drawing maps of Wyoming in preparation to celebrate at their “Wyoming Day” event this Saturday, January 12th. Participants will facilitate the event. Upcoming Events: Game Night will be January 28th. Their Open Hearts event will be February 9th
o YMCA: Not present, no update.
o VIBES: Not present, no update.
o Community Prevention Strategies Group
o Legislative- Senators and representatives were sent a letter (handed out at meeting) last week. Whitney also handed out a spreadsheet chart of NCPC (handed out at meeting) at the legislative luncheon. Keeping the importance of networking in mind, Holiday Cards were also sent out to legislative officials in December.
o Compliance Checks- CPSG will be delivering certificates to businesses who pass their compliance check inspections as soon as those are completed. County- John Becker reported that Deputy Scott has completed the tobacco compliance checks for the sheriff’s office, and is in the process of completing the alcohol compliance checks. CPSG is waiting for updates from the city-CPD. Funding may be what is causing the delay.
o Strategic Plan- The logic model is lined out with the following steps: Data gathering/needs assessment; researching evidence based strategies that address the needs; implementation (should begin in May 2019). Next month’s meeting will look at campaign ideas. NCPC members were invited to bring ideas.
Introductions &Announcements:
Present: Whitney Lamb (Mercer/NCPC Chair), Kyle Gammroth (CNCHD), Mary Parkinson (PAT), Shelly Devoss (Science Zone), Christi Perrish (WCCA), Amanda Whistler (YCC), Pam Mann (YCC), Amanda Montes (BGCCW), Andrea D’Onofrio (Safe Kids), Jean Davies (NCPT), John Becker (NCSO), Sheena Hixson (Mercer FRC), Keri Owen (Casper College), Lisa Brown (Mercer FRC), Brittlynn Bulgrin (Mercer FRC-YEC), Alissa Thyfault (Mercer FRC), Felicia Cummings (Mercer FRC- NCSPTF), Miamie Sleep (Mimi’s House), Chastidy Fox (Mimi’s House), Vanessa Marimontes (Workforce Services), Corrie Whitman (DOC- Pobation- Student Court), Amanda Lewallen (BBBS), Greta Hinderliter (NCSD #1), Cori Burton (Mercer FRC), Hailey Rodgers (CNCHD)
CNCHD- Still seeking an Executive Director. CNCHD will be starting work groups soon covering the following topics: suicide; healthy eating and active lifestyles; substance use/abuse; mental health; and housing accessibility. CNCHD will be participating in Project Homeless Connect (happening January 25th) offering free flu shots.
PAT- The next Roll and Read event will be this summer. PAT is looking for volunteers/ideas. PAT is also still seeking families who can benefit from a bilingual Parent Educator.
WCCA- the first class starts Saturday, January 12th! WCCA is hiring multiple positions.
YCC- They have hired a new person for the family care coordinator/Magellan wrap-around position. This person works to keep youth in the community as opposed to referring them to out of the area programs.
BGCCW- preparing to host their 50th anniversary event. They will be raffling off a 2008 Shelby GT Mustang! Tickets are $250 a piece, and there is no limit to the number of tickets that can be purchased. They will also have Denver Bronco’s safety Will Parks present!
Safe Kids- January 19th there will be a car seat check event for the public at White’s Mountain Motors from 10am-noon. May 4th will be Safe Kids Day, and they are seeking sponsorship for this event. WMC Foundation is also seeking an Executive Director.
NCPT- Mark your calendars! April 10-11 will be the Wyoming Meth Conference. Sue to John Hatcher’s retirement, Ben Madilla will now co-chair the project with Jean Davies.
NCSO- Holiday DUI Campaign was successful! Natrona County had ZERO fatalities! On New Year’s Eve Casper Police Department only had 1 DUI! Reports say bar parking lots were still full after 3am, meaning intoxicated patrons found other ways home. Lyft is still generating usage numbers, but is believed to have attributed to the success of the campaign. The Alcohol Task Force has still not had success communicating with Uber, but believes they will work with Lyft again in the future.
Casper College-America’s Promise Grant will now pay $2450 in tuition and testing fees for college! This includes the CAN program that begin in March. Casper college is also offering a HVAC program that starts February 5th, but this program is not covered by the America’s Promise Grant. Fliers for these courses were passed out at the meeting.
Mercer FRC- Make Parenting a Pleasure class session will be starting up again soon! New spring schedule was passed out at meeting. Elevate class begins February 11th and would make a great Valentine’s Day gift! Forms for Mercer classes are now available online!
NCSPTF-The Task Force is going to start their strategic planning next meeting. The Task Force opens an invitation to all organizations to join in an effort to become as impactful as possible. Please Contact Felicia to join at
Mimi’s House- Welcome Mimi’s House to NCPC! Mini’s House is a non-profit that is set to open in April of 2019. They will provide housing for unaccompanied youth ages 16-19. They will be doing a Thankful Thursday event at the Beacon on February 21st
Workforce Services- No update
DOC/Probation/Youth Court- No updates
BBBS- will be hosting a fundraiser at the Gaslight Social on Jan 17th. They are currently recruiting volunteers to be “bigs.” They have also hired a new coordinator! This new person will allow them to continue to provide 4-6 activities per week, and are seeking volunteer opportunities to send youth to.
NCSD homeless Youth- 212 students received gifts during the holidays. Wednesday, January 23rd is the Point in Time Count and Serve Wyoming is seeking volunteers to assist in this big project. There is an online training required to participate. Contact Serve Wyoming (Jonathan or Allison) to volunteer. The following Friday, January 25, Project Homeless Connect will take place at King’s Corner Church. Homeless citizens can get food, resource connections, flu shots, haircuts and more at this event.
DFS- (update via email) They have hires a new Department Director, and reports show they are increasing graduation rates via CHINS programing!
Climb Wyoming (Update via e-mail) Climb is looking for a new Executive Director
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday January 17th, 9am @ Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, January 23th, 3pm @ Mercer FRC
Next NCPC Meeting
February 5th, 2019 – 1PM-2PM