Natrona County Prevention Coalition
February 5th, 2019 Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Place: Oil and Gas Building @ 2211 King Blvd
Approve Minutes from January: Susan Buettgenback motioned approval, Bill Howell 2nd None opposed.
New Business
Welcome Everyone!
v Presentation: Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences by Sheena Hixson, Stacey Walworth, and Becca Steinhoff. For a more in depth training, or to experience the Brain Architecture Game, please contact Becca Steinhoff at
Ø 2019 Legislative session
Bills that impact prevention efforts, and where they stand:
o HB0244 – Medicaid- work requirements and expansion- Failed in the House
o HB0218 – Tobacco Tax (increase)- Postponed indefinitely in the House
o HB0176 – Tobacco prevention funding- referred to Agriculture Committee
o SF0051-Tobacco Tax Equivalence (across all counties and reservations)- Passed the Senate, in House Revenue Committee
o HB0282 – Tobacco products (Vaping products to be included in taxation)- Passed 2nd reading in the House
o SF0052 – Special permit for Alcohol beverages (exception)- referred to Recreation and Travel committee
o SF0046-Opioid Prescription Limits (prescription limits to 14-day supply for acute pain relief)- passed Senate, referred to House Labor committee.
o SF0007-Alternate Penalties & Pretrial Release for Alcohol Crimes – Passed Senate, Passed house
Ø NCPC Strategic Planning- Set for presentation to NCPC on May 7th
Data across the state has been compiled. Whitney has extended the invitation to anyone in NCPC to join CPSG the 4th Wednesday of the month. The next CPSG meeting will discuss goals of NCPC and what we as a coalition can do to enhance protective factors in the community.
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
Ø Family and Parenting:
o Family Game Night: Family Game Night is on Friday, Feb. 8th at the Nicolaysen at 5:30pm. “Our guests will feel as if they are IN Candy Land!” Sponsors have made it possible to provide over 200 new board games this year, as well as quite a few make your own games and make your own puzzles. Cent$able Nutrition will be serving pumpkin soup and hot chocolate. Lisa has sent out fliers. If anyone has not received printable fliers, please let Lisa know so she can send them out to you ASAP.
o Community Baby Shower: Will take place April 13, 2019 at the Boys & Girls Club. Sponsorship fliers and agency sign-ups for the event will be distributed next week. Lisa invited anyone from NCPC to join in on the next Family and Parenting meeting, which happens the 4th Thursday of the month at 11am. The next one will be February 28th at Mercer.
o Family Day: 2019 Family Day will take place July 9th. This year’s theme will be “Living Substance Free is Out of this World.”
Ø YEC: #WYAMPLIFY hosted Youth Bowling Night on January 24th and the youth had a blast. YEC members have been brainstorming ideas for their next #WYAMPLIFY event in March. One idea that has been mentioned is a Top Chef Night. More info to come!
Ø 21st Century Community Learning Centers: CCLC staff and centers have been working to build strong relationships
with stakeholders throughout the community. The centers have been implementing their continuous quality improvement plans and preparing for summer programing.
o Boy & Girls Club: Not present, no update
o Science Zone: The Science Zone participants have been exploring topics such as animal husbandry and robotics. The youth will be shooting a commercial this Thursday. The Idea Lab participants have been learning about the anatomy and dissection process of hearts and will also be assisting in presentations this weekend for their Open Hearts community event. The Science Zone is also hosting their big annual fundraiser, An Elemental Evening, in March. The youth from Idea Lab will be conducting presentations during the fundraiser. The Science Zone will also be hosting Family night on Feb. 25th from 5-7pm.
o YMCA: not present, no updates.
o VIBES: Starting this week, VIBES Tribe will be offering extended hours on Thursdays until 7pm and Fridays until 7:30pm. Vibes has been working to bring in more guest artists and hope to have more information to share next meeting. Students have been practicing a performance set for their families on the next family engagement event, as well as preparing to put together a Teen Open Mic Night on April 12th. More details to come.
Ø Community Prevention Strategies Group: Statewide data has been collected and compiled into a tool provided by the state which was given to CPSG to use in the strategic planning process for community interventions. Alcohol Abuse and Other Drugs are the determined targeted areas of need for both youth and adults, will make implementation for both age groups easier to address. CPSG also conducted a self-capacity assessment and some of the strengths reported were “a long time established coalition” and “committed members” while areas for improvement were “community buy-in” and “diversity.” Hailey shared fact sheets from the CNCHD community Prevention Program displaying data about tobacco use, drug use, and adult alcohol use in Natrona County compared to the rest of the state and the U.S. as a whole. The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) target groups have all met for the first time. Anyone who is interested can still join the groups. Each group has a focus topic such as mental health, suicide prevention, safe and affordable housing, substance use/abuse, and healthy eating/active lifestyles. If interested in joining any of these groups, please contact Whitney at for the link to sign up.
Ø NCPC Tasks
ü Whitney passed around a substance-free family friendly calendar of events list that is compiled and submitted to the Casper Journal every month. A PDF or photo version of the list will be uploaded onto the website, and some of these events are also shared on the Natrona County Family Friendly 411 facebook page. If anyone would like to have their family-friendly substance-free events circulated on this calendar of events list, please submit your events to Sheena at by the 15th of the previous month (March events turned in by February 15th).
ü NIC Fest will take place on June 7th, 8th and 9th this year. NCPC has not had a booth at NIC Fest for a few years. Natalie, CNCHD’s new nursing student, has volunteered to create a booth centered around keeping kids from vaping. Funding through CNCHD/NCPC will pay for the booth fee. Whitney will send out a sign-up sheet for members of NCPC to sign up for shifts. NCPC members can also represent their own agency at the booth. Jenniey Elliot will be in charge of setting up the event, and has agreed to make sure NCPC’s booth is set up in a family friendly area.
Introductions &Announcements:
Present: Whitney Lamb (Mercer/NCPC Chair), John Becker (NCSO), Bill Howell (CWCC), Pete Abrahms (WYDOT), Chris Mahoney (WBI), Becca Steinhoff (Wy Kid’s First/Ellbogen Foundation), Cori Costner-Burton (Mercer FRC), Heather Ross (CNCHD), Hailey Rodgers (CNCHD), Christi Perrish (WCCA), Tammy Hanshaw (Community Health), Kari Owen (Casper College), Susan Buettgenback (PAT), Ruthie Cann (PAT),Charlie Krampher (YCC), Amanda Whistler (YCC), Ivonne Chavez (Seton House), Shelly Dvoss (The Science Zone), Lisa Brown (Mercer FRC), Brittlynn Bulgrin (Mercer FRC), Carrie Whitman (DOC- Prob Student Court), Dave Bronson (BBBS), Rebecca Albertson (Probation & Parole), Chelsea DePalo-Lara (ABE/GED@CC), Erin Ford (CWCC), Stacey Walworth (PAT), Sheena Hixson (Mercer FRC), Nicole Wilson (PAT)
NCSO- No updates; CNCHD- No updates, YCC- no updates; Seton House- No updates,
CWCC- Therapeutic Foster Care services is seeing an increase in enrollment as 2nd semester referrals are starting to come in. Domestic Violence Prevention is working to help children impacted by domestic violence. Erin Ford will be in contact with today’s presenters for further information on Adverse Childhood Experiences.
WYDOT- January has had 14 fatalities on Wyoming’s roads. We had a 5-year low in 2018, but this January is one of the worst on record. 3 of the crashes had multi-vehicle fatalities, 3 of the crashes were head on crashes on state highways with estimated collision speeds around 12mph. Alcohol may have been a factor in at least one of those crashes. “Please, don’t text and drive.”
WBI- Reports seeing an increase in kids getting referred for services.
WCCA- The currently enrolled class is their first to have a waitlist. They anticipate waitlists in the future because WCCA is now officially accredited! They received accreditation last week! (Congratulations WCCA).
CHCCW- CHCCW will be hosting a meet and greet on February 21st from 5:30-7pm for anyone who would like to come meet the new Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Day.
Casper College- The America’s Promise grant helps qualifying students with tuition and testing costs, and provides access to short term programs where participants can receive a certificate upon completion. Keri passed around brochures and business cards to the coalition.
PAT- still enrolling families, bilingual or not. Parent tobacco use has been one way families qualify for the program. Families with parents who vape also qualify for services through PAT. Also, PAT will begin planning their annual Roll and Read event February 11th at 1pm. Anyone interested is welcome to join. This event is a one mile walk with 3 reading stations that promote early health and literacy. They do not have a date set, but are looking at a Saturday in September. PAT is seeking volunteers for this event. Stacey will send a flier to Whitney for distribution at a later date.
Mercer FRC- Elevate couples class starts this Thursday! Anger Management starts today! Family Game Night is this Friday!
NCSPTF- NCPC members are invited to the next meeting that will take place March 12th at 11am at Mercer FRC. This meeting will focus on strategic planning for suicide prevention efforts in Natrona County.
DOC/Student Court- Another Cyber Awareness training will be presented by Deputy Mike Scott on March 12th from 4:30-6:30pm Probation & Parole- P&P has also been watching legislation for bill that impact their services, such as SF0007 which can impact the length and time a person is on probation or parole.
ABE/GED@CC- The next orientation is March 5th at 9am, 1pm, or 6pm. Graduation will be Saturday June 1st at 11am in the T-bird gym.
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday February 28th at 10am at Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, February 27th at 2pm at Mercer FRC