Natrona County Prevention Coalition
May 7, 2019 Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Place: Oil and Gas Building @ 2211 King Blvd
Approve Minutes from April: Jean Davies motioned approval, Andrea D’Onofrio 2nd, None opposed.
New Business
Ø Welcome new NCPC attendees!
o Strategic Planning: Approximately 30 members completed the online survey emailed out to vote on the direction of the NCPC strategic plan. NCPC subcommittee, CPSG, went over survey results and comments were discussed with NCPC as a whole. Members want to continue supporting the current prevention efforts and survey results indicate some NCPC members may not know the full extent of our prevention efforts. Comments topics were:
o Community events for youth: currently supported by a number of our NCPC agencies but also the NCPC strategy that drives the Youth Empowerment Council, an open group for teens to positively impact their community and to participate in pro-social, substance-free events. Current initiatives are covered below in the YEC report.
o Tobacco tools: Chair will investigate what the Quite Line still provides. Mercer FRC provides a youth education course that covers tobacco and vaping.
o Compliance Checks: CPSG still acknowledges establishments that pass tobacco and alcohol compliance checks. County compliance checks and city compliance checks happen at different times due to funding and can be difficult with changing seasons. Evansville will have their checks done by the end of May.
o Opioid misuse: NCPC members support drug takeback events and have had and will continue to have presentations on opioids in Wyoming including over prescription length of time and dosage.
o Policy initiatives: NCPC Chair cannot lobby but communicates with legislators regularly. Every NCPC meeting goes to legislators. Additionally, NCPC receives updates from the chair and members monthly: before, during, and after session on bills that pertain to the NCPC mission. No current members regularly attend Casper Town Hall meetings but they are live streamed and posted online.
o NCPC at agency events: NCPC members are invited to table at member events. Sign up sheets for NicFest was passed around. Agencies may promote their agency at the NCPC booth.
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
o Family and Parenting:
o Community Baby Shower: 306 attendees and 26 agency booths! A huge success, thank you to agency participants.
o Family Day: 2019 Family Day will take place July 9th. This year’s theme will be “Living Substance Free is Out of this World” (space themed). There will be a “Teen Zone” for youth 12+. Survey has gone out to members and all are encouraged to participate in the flash mob.
o YEC: Current initiatives
o Indoor skate park: youth are seeking an indoor skate park for Casper.
o Art Walk: Youth are encouraged to join YEC in Mercer backyard for Artwalk for activities (ex. Tie-dye) bouncy house, food, food trucks and music.
o Zombie Ball: June 27th, sponsors needed, a substance free dance #WYAMPLIFY event
o WASCOP partnership: Day of Prevention on October 3rd would like to incorporate youth. Day of Prevention working to include Governor Gordon, Senator Barrasso and possibly the FLOTUS.
o 21st Century Community Learning Centers: APAS is complete for Spring 2019. All NCPC members are highly encouraged to participate and see the amazing programs. Again all youth are encouraged to attend these programs.
o Boy & Girls Club: Journey has been providing programing that emphasizes Wyoming history, Cowboy Poetry, Cowboy Ethics, team building exercises, and Lego Robotics.
o Science Zone: Not present, no updates- did a brief overview of program
o YMCA: Email update- “We are planning our end of year bash. Our last day for the school year will be May 31st. Summer camp will begin on June 10th. Our summer program will run June 10th- August 23rd. We have a lot planned: Fly Fishing, paddle boarding, Hunter's safety, swimming lessons and so much more.”
o VIBES: Teen Mic Night had over 50 teens attend and it was a very positive atmosphere. All staff are participating in Mindfulness training. The summer program will continue drum circles and marimba. Youth are into rock music and so program will shift to focus on sound production, sound engineering, sound looping and coding in music and robots.
o Community Prevention Strategies Group
o 1st Prevention Week is complete. Ended on Safe Kids Day 5/4/19. Each day had specific posts that were directed toward parents on facebook. Topics included: how to talk to teens about drug use, risk factors, why teens use and resources.
o NCPC Tasks
o Calendar information for substance-free, family friendly events can be updated on the NCPC website at, and on the NC Family Friendly 411 facebook page. Any questions can be relayed to Lisa Brown at or Sheena Hixson at
Introductions &Announcements:
Present: Whitney Lamb (Mercer/NCPC Chair), Alissa Thyfault (Mercer/NCPC), Stacey Walworth (PAT), Charlie Krampner (YCC), Corrie Whitman (DOC), Chief Thompson (Evansville PD), Manhattan Jehlicka (DFS), John Becker (NCSO), Brittlynn Bulgrin (Mercer/YEC), Lisa Brown (Mercer FRC), Jean Davies (NCPT), Chelse DePaolo (ALC @ Casper College), Rebekah Ladd (CPD), Amanda Lewallen (BBBS), Andrea D’Onofrio (Safe Kids, WMC), Paul Fritzler (DFS), Chantale Meyer (Aspire), Chris Mahoney (WBI), Wendy Luck (SERVE WY), Nicole Wilson (PAT), Dave Branson (BBBS), Amber Grant (SERVE WY), Christi Parrish (WCCA), Cori Cosner-Burton (Mercer FRC), Becky Fleming (WMC), Bill Howell (CWCC), Chief McPheeters (CPD)
WBI: New psychiatrist, Dr. Wheeler from Lander
Mercer FRC: Reveal Party tonight for the 2019 Dancing with the Stars of Casper local Stars and Professionals. Nurtured Heart next all day call on May 17th 9-4pm, will be transitioning into 6wk course. NEW revised parenting schedule to use.
NCPT: Meth conference went very well, close to 100 attendees, already planning for next years conference!
CPT: Paying for a new training with money from the Wyoming Children’s Trust Fund for Drug Endangered Children- see flyer for details.
NCSO: May 18th Drug Take-back event and Shred Day at West Side Walmart
Safe Kids: Safe Kids Day was a success! Over a 1,000 attendees, 30 local agencies, 375 bike helmets, and 90 life jackets, gun lcoks, first AID kits etc.
CPD: Welcome to new public information officer Rebekah Ladd. CPD is excited to get even more connected with the community and partners. May 16 @ Casper College “Why Teens Kill” presentation by Phil Chalmers. Alcohol and Drug related crashes are up in Casper, celebrate the amazing services in Casper that have saved community members but number is still very high. All messaging should remind Casper to never drink and drive, to never get in a vehicle where the driver has had any alcohol and to always wear a seat belt. SafeRides fundraiser was a success and there are funds to continue prevention messaging as a whole, not just about finding a ride home.
BBBS: 2nd annual Family Fund Night @ Bear Trap Meadow on Aug. 7 to include games and local organizations, DJ Nike. Still seeking a Match Coordinator and a PY Coordinator.
DFS: see Drug Endangered Children flyer. Welcome to Manhatton Jenlick new to DFS Clinical Services.
WMC: Seeking attendees to PARTY
Aspire: Case management includes; long term waiver, Magellan health waiver, glass slipper, CPR, Babysitting etc. Presenting next month!
WCCA: is accredited with focus on education and students leave with multiple certifications for future employment. Enroll now for July class start.
EPD: Looking to change and get involved in community
SERVE WY: Launched a social media campaign, #thatshowweserveWY, on Instagram and FB. Community resource manual published. Notify Serve WY of volunteer and event opportunities!
YCC: 4th Annual Wine Tasking and Auction on June 27th
PAT: 2nd Annual Roll & Read Sept. 14th seeking volunteers to read and do activities with participants
ALC: ESL is full but waiting list is available. Doing a quick 3wk High school equivalency course on June 30 to help open up other courses, room for 20 people. Graduation Sat. June 1st @ 11am Casper College.
VIBES: Enrichment day May 18th, beginning sound looping and sound engineering, all are welcome!
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday May 23rd, 9am @ Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, May 22nd, 3pm @ Mercer FRC
Next NCPC Meeting
June 4, 2019 – 1PM-2PM