Natrona County Prevention Coalition
August 6, 2019 Time: 12:00-1:00 p.m. Place: Oil and Gas Building @ 2211 King Blvd
Annual Membership Appreciation Luncheon
New Business
Ø Welcome! Your hard work is what makes our coalition a success! Thank you for all that you do!
Ø Strategic Plan: The new NCPC Strategic Plan for 2019-2021 reviews our mission, vision and goals, our history, current grants and their purpose, a data assessment of positive and negative trends/issues in Natrona County (received from CNCHD’s data). These trends helped us identify 9 priorities that we seek to address, and how we plan to address them.
Ø Updated Agenda Format: The new agenda format has some additions such as the monthly member spotlight, and the early observers update. The new minutes format will include the following:
Monthly Member Spotlight:
Early Observers Update: (to include WMC report from Becky Flemming, Child Protection Team/DFs, CPD/EPD/NCSO
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
Ø Family and Parenting: update
o Event update (if any)
Ø YEC: Current initiatives
o #WYAMPLIFY events
Ø 21st Century Community Learning Centers:
o Science Zone: update
o VIBES: update
Ø Community Prevention Strategies Group: update
Ø NCPC Tasks
Presentation: Greta Hinderliter, NCSD Homeless Liaison
Greta started as the homeless liaison for NCSD#1 20 years ago, and was assigned to help 19 kids. At the end of the 2018-19 school year, she had 283 homeless youth. Ages range from 3-21 years old. The term “homeless” means the person lacks a fixed nighttime residence. Homelessness can be generational (2 or more generations who have been homeless) or situational (death, divorce, health, hardship). When a child is identified, Greta works to get them into a school (oftentimes this happens at the preschool level). Kids in kindergarten deserve that early childhood experience, as it helps set them up for success. Greta helps this process by tracking down records and enrolls them in classes. She also goes to schools to check attendance and problem solve the obstacles in a child’s way- did they need a ride? School clothes? Backpack/supplies? Etc. School is usually the only consistency for them.
Greta connects kids to resources such as a donation closet as well as services through the Seton House, Self-Help Center, Rescue Mission, and the 12 Street Clinic. Public Health helps with shots. A donation account is managed by Mercer FRC.
This year, Greta helped 34 students graduate this year, purchasing caps and gowns and even paying for college application fees if the youth needed it. There are 4 college graduates this year who came from NCSD’s homeless liaison program. “Your education is your ticket out of poverty!”
What can we do to help? Student Support Services has a loaner closet where kids can receive things like sleeping bags, duffle bags, suitcases, backpacks full of school supplies, and day-to-day basics like hygiene products, jeans, shoes etc. Volunteers can also go to the Seton House to read to children, rock a baby, etc.
Introductions &Announcements:
Present: Whitney Lamb (Mercer/NCPC Chair), Greta Hinderliter (NCSD#1), Cori Costner-Burton (Mercer FRC), Brittlynn Bulgrin (Mercer FRC/YEC), Sheena Hixson (Mercer FRC/CCLC), Alissa ThyFault (Mercer FRC/CCLC), Lisa Brown (Mercer FRC/Family & Parenting), Susan Buettgenback (PAT), Nicole Wilson (PAT), Mary Parkinson (PAT) Dave Bronson (BBBS), Keri Owen (Casper College), Keith McPheeters (CPD-Chief), Chris Mahoney (WBI), John Becker (NCSO), Bill Howell (CWCC), Paul Fritzler (DFS), Lance Neiberger (NCSPTF), Andrea D’Onofrio (Safe Kids), Amanda Whistler (YCC), Chantale Meyer (Aspire), Ivonne Chavez (Seaton House), Christi Parrish (WCCA), Vanessa Miramontes (Workforce Services), Becky Flemming (WMC), Corielyn Whitman (DOC-Probation and Parole), Anna Wilcox (United Way), Kenneth Bates (Casper City Council), Manhattan Jejlicka (DFS)
CPD- National Night Out is happening tonight at David Street Station. Dunk the Chief! This is an event that intends to bring community and police officers together in a united front. Meet your officers, and enjoy a night out in a family friendly environment.
BBBS- Will be at Beartrap for their 2nd Annual Family Fun night tomorrow (August 7) from 4-7pm. FREE for all families!
Wyoming Workforce Center- Having a Job Fair August 8th and September 10th (Fliers passed out).
United Way- Tomorrow, there is a celebration connecting resources in the community at crossroads from 11am -1pm
Casper College- holding a Non-profit directors training soon (flier passed out)
NCSPTF- The task force is partnering with Jr’s Hunt for Life and hosting the annual suicide prevention walk in partnership with a Celebration of Hope on September 14th from 2-6pm at David Street Station.
PAT- the 2nd annual Roll and Read event will kick off September 14th from 10am-noon at Amoco Park. PAT is looking for a videographer for the event.
Safe Kids- Kids Fest will happen September 7th. There will also be a Bike Fest that same morning. Both events will take place at the Events Center.
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday September 26, 10am @ Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, September 25, 2pm @ Mercer FRC
Next NCPC Meeting
September 3, 2019 – 1PM-2PM