Natrona County Prevention Coalition
June 4, 2019 Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m. Place: Oil and Gas Building @ 2211 King Blvd
Approve Minutes from April: Chantale Meyer motioned approval, Lisa Brown 2nd None opposed.
New Business
Ø Welcome!
Ø Presentation: Chantale Meyer with Aspire Case Management
o Provides wrap-around services through the Children’s Mental Health Waiver to children 4-21 years of age
o No present waitlist, 20 openings, up to 18-24 months of services available per applicant
Ø Strategic Planning: online survey of key stakeholders and NCPC members shows unanimous support for proposed plan. (Thank you to all who have voted!) NCPC members are invited to join CPSG to get more involved in the strategic plan.
o Compliance Checks: CPD and NCSO have submitted their lists of businesses who have passed recent alcohol compliance checks. Tobacco Compliance certificates have been sent. Alcohol compliance certificates will be delivered in the next week or so.
Ø NIC Fest: Thank you to the several volunteers who have signed up to man the NCPC booth at NIC Fest this weekend! Agencies are welcome to bring their own agency fliers and handouts to go along with NCPC handouts.
Ø July Meeting- There will be no meeting in July due to NCPC’s participation in Family Day. August will be the Member Appreciation Luncheon.
Subcommittee & Strategies Report:
Ø Family and Parenting:
o Family Day: 2019 Family Day will take place July 9th from 11:30am-2:30pm. This year’s theme will be “Living Substance Free is Out of this World.” The Ramkota and Friends of the Park have rented out the pool for the day so family day attendees can swim for free while the event is going on. 13 agency partners have signed up for spots this year. Any agency wishing to join is asked to fill out the booth participation link that Lisa sent out. Each booth is asked to provide an activity or let Lisa know if they would like Mercer to provide one. Deadline to sign up is July 1st YEC and #WyAmplify are providing a “Teen Zone” for youth 12+ this year. There will also be a “tot zone” complete with a sensory walk for families with children 5 and under. Sack lunches will be provided free of charge to everyone at the event. Survey has gone out to members and all are encouraged to participate in the flash mob which will be a dance to Katy Perry’s “Firework” (but not required).
Ø YEC: Current initiatives
o Art Walk: YEC is hosting a free substance-free zone for families in Mercer’s backyard for Art Walk each month. Activities include Tie-dye, a bouncy house, dinosaur sprinkler, food trucks and music.
o Skateboard Day: June 21st from 5pm-10pm at the Wells Pavilion Skate Park in North Casper. Dinner will be served from 5-6pm, and a “Game of Skate” competition will begin at 6pm. Admission into the Game of Skate is $3 per participant. Food will be provided. There will also be other fundraising activities such as a 50/50 raffle. Wyoming PBS will be present to record footage to showcase the event.
o Zombie Ball: June 27th from 5-10pm at David Street Station. Posters for the event were distributed.
Ø 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Outcome measures (such as attendance, grades, teacher surveys, and APAS evaluations) are being gathered and reported to the state this month. Cohort 12 is concluding its 1st year of their 5-year grant, while cohort 10 is closing its last year of their grant cycle. This summer, a few CCLC programs will be sampling a new 80s themed evidence-based curriculum that will round out their summer program. Topics to be explored include 80s pop culture, video games, and robotics and technological advancements from the decade.
o Boy & Girls Club: not present- no updates
o Science Zone: The Science Zone will be participating in NIC Fest. Fliers and application sheets were passed around for their summer camps, which start Monday June 10th. They have summer camps for children in K-6/7 grade, and Idea Lab and Design Team programs for middle school/high school aged students. CCLC funding makes it possible to pay for Casper’s youth to attend these programs free of charge.
o YMCA: not present- no update
o VIBES: not present- no updates
Ø Community Prevention Strategies Group
o 1st Prevention Week went well!
o Thank you Rabeka Ladd for the compliance checks report. Certificates will be delivered soon!
Ø NCPC Tasks
Ø Calendar information for substance-free, family friendly events can be updated on the NCPC website at, and on the NC Family Friendly 411 facebook page. Any questions can be relayed to Lisa Brown at or Sheena Hixson at
Introductions &Announcements:
Present: Whitney Lamb (Mercer/NCPC Chair), Chris Mahoney (WBI), Chantale Meyer (Aspire), Carol King (Community Health), Rebekah Ladd (CPD), Alissa Thyfault (Mercer/CCLC), Sheena Hixson (Mercer/CCLC), Tammy Hanshaw (Census Bureau),Wendy Luck (SERVE WY), Nicole Wilson (PAT), Lisa Brown (Mercer), Brittlynn Bulgrin (Mercer/YEC), Corrie Whitman (DOC), Yvonne Chavez (Seaton House), Christi Parrish (WCCA), Amanda Lewallen (BBBS), Vanessa Miramontes (Workforce Services), Rebecca Albertson(Probation & Parole), Amanda Whisler (YCC), Manhattan Jehlicka (DFS), Susan Buettgenback (PAT), Grace Niemitalo (CNCHD), Hailey Rodgers (CNCHD)
WBI: the 3rd Be Kind to Your Mind 5K happening June 8th at EKW 6am – 12pm. So far they have 77 participants signed up.
Aspire- will be hosting classes and events this summer: babysitting 101, wellness classes, self-defense, etc. Tune in to their Facebook page for details.
Community Health-now offer psych provider services to patients as young as age 5. This service offered on a sliding scale with costs as low as $20/appointment. Also, community health now has funding to help with prescription costs too! They plan to hire a new mental health nurse practitioner in August. Telehealth services are now available at the Lander Pediatric clinic as well as the Pavilion School. Also, the last week of July through till August 3rd, Community Health is offering FREE sports physicals!
CPD- New program for teens is available through Natrona County Restorative Justice. “Traffic Circle” allows youth who have been in a traffic accident to do service projects that teach them about the impact of injury and property damage on a victim. Course includes community service as well as an essay about what they have learned. This intervention can be requested from the judge. Also, if any agency would like to have CPD presence at their community events, please reach out to Rebekah Ladd and she can help set that up!
Mercer FRC- Stay tuned for Dancing with the Stars announcements! Casper Housing Authority will be distributing Frisbee invites to Family Day during the parade. September 14th is the Suicide prevention walk. This year the walk will pair up with J.R.’s Hunt;For Life’s Festival of Hope. The event will be at David Street Station at 2pm. New round of Anger Management starts today.
Census Bureau- Now offering census applications online, which will be available as early as March 9th 2020. These online forms will be available in 13 different languages! Also, they are still hiring. Apply online at
Serve Wyo- the Volunteer Generation Fund will be available at Casper College in the fall! This fund will allow students who participate in service learning projects to gain a $500 stipend at the end of the semester. Serve Wyoming will be present at the upcoming Collective Voices Nonprofit Conference in Sheridan, and will be presenting at the developmental disability conference. Serve Wyo has hired Rebecca Travers as their new Program Assistant, and Carter Dunn is their new intern.
DOC/Student Court- Graduation celebration this month! And they will have a new intern this summer.
Seton House- Connections to Success program is in the works: current collaborations with Casper Housing Authority. Currently forming their new pilot Zoning Committee if anyone would like to get involved.
WCCA- This Saturday (June 8) at 10am at the Casper office is orientation for the next round of cadets. Class starts July 14th.
BBBS- FINALLY fully staffed! And have recruited 10 new volunteers to be Bigs over the summer. The progressive youth program will be offering classes every Tuesday for 13-18 year olds. Topics covered will include sexual health, relationships, strong families/strong Wyo, as well as service projects with Food for Thought.
Workforce Center- Orientation for High School Equivalency Prep will be held at Casper College on June 25th. Funding is also available for the HiSEC testing fees.
DOC/P&P- no update to report
YCC- June 27th YCC is hosting a winetasting fundraiser. Tickets are $10 and come with a $10 coupon with Uber Eats. YCC provided services to 75 kids in the month of May.
DFS- Drug Endangered Children training will take place today and tomorrow for anyone who wants to attend (June 4 and 5th)
PAT- Openings available for Spanish speaking families. Roll and Read event has been planned for September 14th in the morning before the suicide prevention walk. Susan passed out R&R fliers. PAT is seeking volunteers to read and help provide activities.
CNCHD- Welcome Grace, the new Prevention Specialist! Tips training is now required for all alcohol servers. NCNHD will provide a Train the Trainer session on June 19 & 20th and still have openings for establishment owners. CNCHD’s new Executive Director will start July 1s
Subcommittee Meeting Times:
Family & Parenting Committee Next Mtg: Thursday June 20th, 10am @ Mercer FRC
Community Prevention Strategies Group Next Mtg: Wednesday, July 24th, 2pm @ Mercer FRC
Next NCPC Meeting
August, 6th 2019 – 1PM-2PM